Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Ninth Month

Ninth Month- January 20th

Flew on a plane to Iowa. She did great and even met a friend that was on the flight there and back.

Had her first Christmas!:)

Enjoyed the Billings Christmas.

Loves playing with blocks and dogs.

She will not let the blocks get stacked up, knocking them over.

She waves hi and bye.

Went for some walks because it was like 50 degrees!

Height: 26 Inches

Weight: 13 Lbs

Eighth Month

Eighth Month-December 20th

Kate came to visit from Iowa.

Went to the Holocaust museum.

Sitting up on her own. Loves to play with all her toys.

Had her first cold. Kind of. More or less just a lot of snot.

Loves to listen to mom and dad sing to her when she wakes up in the morning.

Had her first Christmas party at Grams.

Enjoying LitClub with mom.

Went to see Santa. ( We have told her Santa is just for fun, I know we are boring.)

Had her first babysitter real babysitter, Chelsea!

Rode first carousel with her dad and LOVED it.

Met Key of Hope!

Had her first Thanksgiving at our house.

Loves to play with water. When bored we fill her tub just a little bit and bring it in the living room for her to play in. She loves this.

Seventh Month

Seventh Month- November 20th

Eva has enjoyed lots of lunch dates with Gram and Aunt Sharon

We set up Eva's first Christmas tree, drank hot chocolate and listened to Christmas music.

Took our first family photos.

Eating lots of new foods. Loves sweet potatoes.

Still loving bath time

Loves going for walks.

She is such a trooper for car rides.

Rolling both ways.

Loves reading.

When dad is home they enjoy their bedtime routine together.

Getting on a much better schedule.

Started making squishy faces when smiling. It is super cute!:)