Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Post

I started a technology in education class a few months ago and was required to blog. I had attempted to blog before when I was in Africa but was just too busy, (and I didn’t keep up with it) but I really enjoyed blogging for my class. A few girls from my church are die hard bloggers so I thought I would join in! I also thought that this could be useful for our families to keep tabs on us, considering all of mine is in Michigan and much of Nicks in Greece. So here I am attempting to blog, I may not be as good as Jill Trost but I am going to try real hard to keep up with her! A few thing I have been trying to do now that I am a married woman, is learning through the bible and other woman how to be a good wife. I am also learning how to be frugal with what we are given and so I am going to attempt couponing and sales! So this blog will be used for both updating family and friends about Nick and my life and sharing my journey of becoming a frugal woman!

1 comment:

  1. maybe you can help me be better because i always forget to blog! or clip coupons or shop sales lol!! love all the pics!
